
Expense Tracker



Having difficulties budgeting? If so, you can hop on our website to keep up with your expenses by adding every expense you made. For each expense added, it adds the total and keeps your budgeting at a limit.

Stay Budgeting Stay Saving!

Wireframe & UserStories


Installations: Locally

* Clone app(frontend) files from github
    -( = FrontEnd
        - npm i
        - npm start

* Dependencies
    - body-parser
    - cors
    - dotenv
    - express
    - mongodb
    - mongoose


* Client Side
    - React

* Server Side: Completed by Mohamed Abdulla and Brahim Abdulla
    - Node.js
    - MongoDB
    - Mongoose
    - Express

* Design
    - Bootstrap 5.0 - Completed by Brahim Abdulla
    - Custom CSS
    - referenced templates (design)
    - Tailwind - Mohamed Abdulla